About Us

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Our Purpose

The development of an individualized supportive community to facilitate adults with autism in living as independently as possible. Vocational, social, leisure, occupational, emotional, and behavioral needs will be addressed using person-centered program development.

Our Approach

To build a safe community

Increase independence and community integration

Quality trained staff

Network with community members and businesses

Our Plan

The Foundation will fund homes and provide personalized support for residents, facilitating community involvement and enhancing quality of life.

Phase 1

Acquire or build 1-2 houses

Phase 2

Expand the neighborhood and build a community center.

The Foundation will fund homes and provide personalized support for residents, facilitating community involvement and enhancing quality of life.

A Range of Personal Support

  • Residents live independently accessing support as needed

  • Peer mentoring

  • Social opportunities

  • Residents live with a house parent

  • 24-hour one-on-one support

  • Increase community involvement

  • Transportation

  • Occupational training and support

Our Team

Steve Allen - Executive Director

David Callahan - President

Tom Weddle - Vice-President

Dotty Quade - Secretary

Lisa Richards-Evans - Treasurer

Tracy Hofius - Board Member

Liz Mathes - Board Member

Colleen Sisk - Board Member

Fonda Jovick - Legal Counsel